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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Smoked Pork Ribs with Dutch Oven Potatoes and Squash

Smoked Pork Ribs
Rub the following mixture on it the night before:
2 1/2 Tbsp brown sugar
1/4 Tbsp salt
1/4 Tbsp garlic powder
1/4 Tbsp cumin
1/4 Tbsp cajun
1/4 Tbsp mustard
1/4 Tbsp pepper
** SMoke in the smoker at 250 degrees for 5 hours or until ribs reach 170 degree internal temperature.  Apply BBQ sauce every 45 minutes.

Dutch Oven Potatoes - (in the house I use a nice deep baking dish with a lid)
4 large potatoes, cut
1 yellow crook-neck squash, cut
1 green pepper, diced
3 green onions, diced
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup Sprite
Combine all in baking dish and bake at 350 degrees for 1-1/2 hours... cover with cheese to melt at the end.

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